A Design Concept -The Power of Repetition Angel 469 and Angel 470

The Power of Repeating Shapes

Repeating shapes is a design concept that I have been playing around with.  This idea works in most any medium or situation.  It is a powerful way to reinforce the main image.  

This is a cool look, and it's taking advantage of two things. One is that an image will always go with itself .  And second is that an image communicates differently at different sizes or values.  So there is a bonus of getting two different but complementary images and feelings out of one picture.

In the case of Angel #469 I simply used the image to create a brush.  

A little about Digital brushes.
Brushes in digital art are just a shape repeated real close together, so a dot "." becomes a line. 
I can use this brush as a continuous line, but then you would not see the image.  So by increasing the spacing I can in effect turn the brush into a stamp.   

Back to the Angels.
Angel 469 the  background is a repeating shape and the colors are a variation of blue.  Red and blue make purple so the dusty purple goes well with the dusty blue of the Angel. It appears as a multitude of angels with the one coming forward to greet you. 

Angel 470  is the same concept.  Except this time only one image was used for the background. Again the colors are all variations of red so they work well together.  

Try this concept you need to do a presentation of some sort.  Ghost the main image or theme behind The main image or message.  See below for a sample image.

Have a great day.

Angel 469

Angel 470

A sample of a 50% off sale using the repeating image.  No this is not a 50% off sale on my Angels.


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